How to treat an ingrown toenail naturally at home?

Do you suffer from an ingrown toenail and are looking for natural solutions to treat it? Know that you are not alone. This often painful condition can be relieved with simple and effective home remedies. Keep reading, the nail expert Maryton will give you answers. An ingrown toenail occurs when a corner or edge of the nail penetrates the flesh surrounding the nail, causing pain, redness and sometimes infection. Several factors can contribute to its appearance: poor nail cutting, wearing shoes that are too tight, an injury or genetic predispositions. The signs of an ingrown toenail are usually obvious: pain on contact, …

Ingrown toenail: the right actions to avoid it

An ingrown toenail can happen more easily than you think. It is often annoying, even painful, and difficult to treat. And if you also hate ingrown toenails, the nail expert Maryton will show you different tips to never suffer from them again! The main cause of ingrown toenails is wearing closed shoes which will compress our little feet and our nails. We speak of an ingrown toenail when the nail begins to grow into your skin, this can result in swelling, redness, or even the appearance of pus if it is not treated in time. But, if you follow our advice, those nasty …

The advantages of podiatry chairs

Podiatry chairs offer many advantages for pedicure professionals. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you the advantages of podiatry chairs in this article. Just keep reading! Here are some of the most common benefits: Comfort Podiatry chairs are designed to provide maximum comfort to your clients during their pedicure session. The seats are padded to provide optimal support, while the backrests are adjustable to allow your customers to sit comfortably. Feature Podiatry chairs also offer great functionality. They can have different functions, such as adjustable footrests, built-in water trays for foot baths, LED lights, heating pads and massage functions. These …

How does nail envy form?

Have you ever heard of nail envy? Do you know how they are formed? Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you answers in this article. Just keep reading! The appearance of nail envy can have several causes. One of the main ones is excessively dry skin, hence the importance of using a good cuticle oil. But you can also bite your nails, have a badly done manicure (for example by badly cutting the cuticles), a hand sanitizer, aggressive (household) products that dry out the skin, chlorine from a swimming pool, being in the water often for long periods (for example …