When to remove a semi-permanent varnish?

Although it stays in place longer than conventional varnish, semi-permanent varnish must be removed after a while. So, when should we remove semi-permanent varnish? In this article, your nail supply expert Maryton will tell you the answer. The semi-permanent varnish must be removed between 15 days and 3 weeks. You will see it with your eyes since it is the nail regrowth time. It won’t be aesthetic. You will therefore know that it is time to remove your semi-permanent varnish even if you are a fan of its color. To remove semi-permanent varnish without damaging the nails, keep in mind that don’t scratch under any …

Semi-permanent step by step

Do you love having colorful mimine but you don’t have much time to devote to it? Opt for semi-permanent varnish. Maryton provides you with a protocol for the semi-permanent step by step that will allow an irreproachable installation between 3 to 4 weeks! Materials needed: Nail file Buffing block Cuticle pusher Super Primer Base and Top Coat Paint color of your choice Catalyst UV or LED lamp Cuticle oil Laying the semi-permanent First, edge the free edge of your nails to shape them, then push back the cuticles. For better adhesion of the semi-permanent varnish and to make your nails more porous, polish the …

How to apply a semi-permanent varnish?

Who doesn’t wish to have radiant and exceptional hands? With the arrival of semi-permanent nail polish, this wish became a reality. Do you know how to apply a semi-permanent varnish? In this blog, your expert nail supplier Maryton will give you ideas. Start by modifying the shape of your nails according to your needs, using a file. Then get a cuticle pusher to push back the cuticles and have hands. Then, wash your hands to get rid of the dust that has accumulated on your fingers during filing. Now you can receive the semi-permanent varnish. Start the task by applying a base …

What is the difference between a semi-permanent and a gel?

If you are looking for a manicure that lasts longer than a traditional varnish, you have surely faced the following question: Gel or semi-permanent varnish? In this blog, your expert nail supplier Maryton will show you all the differences between gel and semi-permanent polish to help you make the best choice for you and your nails. What is a gel? Gel nails are created in three steps. First, we apply a base coat, then the gel nail polish and finally a top coat. Between each layer, the nail is exposed to UV lamp between 30 seconds and 2 minutes to harden it. …