Nail prosthetist, how to properly prepare your clients’ nails?

A perfect false nail application depends, among other things, on how the nails are prepared. This is a crucial step that should not be overlooked. So how do you properly prepare your client’s nails before applying false nails? What to do in case of a broken nail? Don’t worry! The Maryton nail supply will help you in the following article. Preparing the nails for successful nails The first step to do for nail preparation is the disinfection of your hands and your client’s nails. The second step is optional, since it consists of removing the varnish or any traces present on …

6 tips to stop biting your nails

An unpleasant or stressful situation, and you automatically start biting your nails. However, this habit is terribly harmful to the health and aesthetic appearance of your nails. But then, how to get rid of it? Our Maryton nail supply discover 6 effective solutions to stop biting your nails. 1. Chew gum First of all, to realize the times and/or situations when you tend to bite your nails. The chewing gum will probably bother you when you bring your nails to your mouth. 2. Use a substitute object or habit When you start to want to bite your nails, take care of …

4 natural treatments for my nails

Because of the desire and pursuit of beauty, we always do all kinds of decoration to our nails. Colorful manicures are eye-catching, but our nails are also at risk of suffering damage, varnish, care and remover for example. Do you know how to treat your nails naturally? Here’s how to make a gentler manicure for your nails. A natural nail polish The natural nail polish contains biosourced ingredients and pigments of natural origin. Its formula is more respectful of the nails and the environment. Apply one or two layers then use a top coat. This will prolong the hold of the varnish and enhance its shine. A …