How to apply the polygel?

In this blog, we are going to explain how to apply polygel on your nails step by step. To give your polygel nails more durability, it is best to use a rubber base under the acrylic gel. It ensures an even better adhesion to the natural nail plate. Step 1: Degrease the nails with a nail prep after preparing the nail plate. Depending on the type and condition of the nail plate, apply the correct primer. Step 2: Apply a layer of base, cure in lamp (LED 30-60s / UV 120-180s). Step 3: Apply a stencil in the right place. Using the …

Fruity nail art ideas!

The beautiful holidays are fast approaching! While waiting for the holidays, we start decorating our nails in the Fruity Nail Art way. In this blog, your expert nail supplier Maryton will give you some fruity ideas to decorate your nails! Strawberry nails We love strawberries in all their forms so taste them with your eyes thanks to this Strawberry Nail Art. You have to make small black dots of slightly different sizes and place the strawberries on a clear base, if possible white, beige or natural. The red apple manicure The apple is drawn on the base of a heart then …

Nail art: contouring manicure

Like many other nail art trends, nail contouring, also called Ruffian manicure. In this article, your expert nail supplier Maryton reveals some contouring ideas for the nails as well as the principle of this fashionable manicure. Why do nail contouring? The contouring manicure is used to structure the nails by giving them an impression of length and finesse. The goal is to play with the varnishes on the shadows and the lights. The other contouring technique instead uses two colors of nail polish in order to obtain a contrast. The art of contouring for the nails therefore lies in creating the …

White gel nails: fashion or timeless trend?

If you want to opt for simplicity, adopt the white manicure. However, well chosen and correctly applied on gel nails, white is a sensation in both summer and winter. In this article, your expert nail supplier Maryton will tell you everything. White on your nails Whatever the color, monochromy always offers a neat effect to the hands. The white captures the light and illuminates your nails. The most assertive women assume the white color applied to the entire surface of the nail. On the other hand, those who are more discreet will prefer the French manicure, when only the free edge …