Summer is an opportunity to play with your nails by painting them in all colors. How to keep a manicure intact? How to protect your nail polish from the heat?… You’ll find the answer in this article.
Nail polish and UV
Varnish hates heat. At more than 20°C, in its bottle, it sticks and thickens. Under these conditions, on the nail with the pH also modified by the sun, it is deposited in a package without ever drying or adhering. It is better to protect it with an anti-UV top coat, otherwise the poppy red may quickly fade.
Nail polish and sand
Sand is like a giant pumice stone, with rough and stripping effects. So it doesn’t take much, three strides to the sea to scratch the varnish. A pour of clear varnish every night for the mirror effect.
nail polish and water
Water seeps under the layers of lacquer, then causes them to blister. We take the time to wipe our painted nails with a towel to stop the humidity. On the other hand, the nail likes salt, full of minerals, which strengthens it and overcomes small cracks.
Nail polish and long life
There is the semi-permanent solution with acrylic gel mixed with the varnish, which will harden under the rays of a UV lamp. It saves us from chipping, dullness, scratches and negligence for two weeks, but we are far from eco-friendly beauty care: in the long run it can suffocate the nail and weaken it.
Nail polish and naturalness
Basically, the coolest and most organic solution for summer is the natural French, which is not afraid of water, UV rays or sand. Sand gently then clean with a little alcohol. Then place a confetti of exfoliating paste and polish with chamois leather.
As shown above, start your nail tour with your professional manicure kits! If you want to know more about nail beauty products, please take a look at our Maryton website.
Read also: How to have stronger nails naturally?