In any case, be particularly careful with your hands during this period of extreme cold. In this article, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you some hand care ideas to carry out in winter. Just keep reading!
- Cracks on the hands: the ideal natural remedy remains shea butter with a few drops of essential oil of rose geranium or true lavender, because they promote the healing of wounds and wounds.
- Inflammations: several layers of aloe vera which relieve itching and moisturize with a few drops of Roman chamomile essential oil.
- Eczema: aloe vera with a few drops of argan oil or oil enriched with vitamin E.
- Bleeding cuticles: a little apricot oil to apply by massaging delicately.
If you don’t have all these ingredients, you can go simple and make a minimalist “mask”. To do this, coat your hands with a fatty moisturizer, apply it in a thick layer and leave on until absorbed. You will then find soft and smooth skin!
Among other things to take care of your hands, remember to wear gloves when washing dishes, gardening or DIY and to massage them regularly. In addition, I also advise you to invest in some professional manicure sets to care for your nails.
Read also: Why take care of your cuticles?