HOME Nail care, Women Beauty What’s the right move for filing your nails?

What’s the right move for filing your nails?

Do you know what’s the right move for filing your nails? In this blog, your expert nail supplier Maryton will give you ideas.

To file your nails, don’t use a back and forth motion with the file: this movement weakens the nails. You should file from the side of the nail and towards the center, then to the other side, in one and the same direction, while making sure to keep the file perpendicular to your fingers.

As you file, tilt the file more or less to achieve your desired roundness. The movement should be smooth so that the nail is smooth and not jagged. You can also file at an angle on the top of the nail if you have thick nails and want to make it thinner.

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How often should you file your nails?

The right frequency for filing your nails is once every 2 weeks to once every 4 weeks, depending on how quickly your nails grow. Be careful not to file them too often, which could damage them! Conversely, filing your nails too infrequently can also damage them because the longer the nails, the more fragile they are.

We hope you liked this article and that it will inspire you for future. In addition to these, I advise you to invest in a complete manicure kit! To help you in your choice, I invite you to visit our website.

Read also: Do you know how to file your nails according to their shape?

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