Can make nail prosthetics holders of a CAP Aesthetic or a CQP of nail prosthetics. While the previous Minister of Crafts, Mrs. Delga, had decided that it was necessary a CQP of nail stylist (whose prerequisite is the CAP Aesthetics) to offer nail prostheses, Mrs. Pinville considered that the CAP was no longer necessary, hence this letter to the CMA!
The current line of the Government is the de-professionalization of the professions. In nail prosthetics, there is a real risk for clients. The CNAIB has therefore protested by mail against this letter which is in opposition to the repositories of aesthetic examinations which all contain the learning of nail prosthetics.
If nail prosthetics is part of the benchmarks, it is proof that it is an activity which must be regulated by Article 16 of the 1996 Qualification Act.
On the other hand, if we accept that prosthetists work without any supervision, little by little we will remove everything from beauticians: makeup, hair removal…
The CNAIB did not fail to attach to its letter terrifying photos of problems that had arisen after a pose by non-graduates. The CNAIB regularly receives letters from people practicing nail prosthetics who wonder about the need to have a CAP since we learn the skin and that the nails, according to them, have nothing to do!
As you well know, nails are an emanation of the skin, which demonstrates how these nail prosthetists have no knowledge of the anatomy of the human body, nor of the rules of hygiene, which is extremely serious for the health of clients. They have no notion of cosmetology and use random products, some of which are dangerous and prohibited.
The CNAIB sent a letter to the Ministry of Health, Labour, Economy, the Prime Minister and all deputies and senators. This letter made Mrs. Pinville react who will shortly receive the CNAIB to obtain more explanations.
See the letter from the CNAIB.
The CNAIB is supported by the APCMA (Permanent Assembly of Chambers of Trades and Crafts) and by the SNSO (National Union of Nail Stylists) which brings together stylists holding a CAP or a CQP so that Mrs. Pinville returns to her letter to the Chambers of Trades. To date, in the world of aesthetics, only the CNAIB has taken a stand to defend beauticians.
Who else could be better than legitimate to defend them? Thanks to its 1,700 members, it is the largest network of institutes in France!
The current government is extremely attentive to everything related to prevention, health, hygiene, safety, in a word, consumer protection. All this is in inadequacy with the tolerance left to nail prosthetists who work on a human being with trainings of only a few days and risking to cause infections on the nails that can degenerate into severe sepsis if they are not treated quickly.
They all welcome this decision, they increase their turnover because they can diversify their care: manicure, foot beauty, makeup, permanent makeup … During a prosthesis placement they can now offer their client a mask for a beauty restoration, followed by makeup.
The CNAIB is the only organization recognized as representative throughout France (96 departments), which is consulted by all ministries, labor, crafts, national education, health, economy, DGCCRF for the development of all regulations concerning beauticians.
We recommend that you use the adequate manicure and pedicure set to take care of your nails before applying any kind of decoration.
Read also: Castor oil for nails: benefits, application