Take care of your look right down to the tips of your nails! Although it may be a detail for you, your nails say a lot about your personality. In this article, your expert nail supplier Maryton will explain everything to you.
The manicure
Besides nail care, a beautiful color, pattern or shape will be an added value. The colors and new patterns are expanding and more and more tools have been developed to create the most beautiful patterns. The new trend is trendy nails!
Nail polishes are available in all colors. Bright colors are trendy and this year, it’s green that wins! Think apple green, lime green or avocado. So try applying a different, bright color to each finger.
Pastel shades such as mauve, blue or pink shouldn’t be missing this summer. And what about mirror effect nails? Mirror effect chrome nails reflect the sunlight beautifully and are available in silver and dark purple. The ultimate eye-catching solution.
Nude nails also remain in the running. Do you want an eye-catching and subtle effect at the same time? Creamy, brown or pink, there is something for everyone. Your fingers will also seem thinner, longer.
The reasons
In addition to bright colors, we must not forget that the patterns are also very fashionable. Graphic manicure is increasingly in demand. We are talking here about lines, triangles, squares and geometric shapes on a base color. Otherwise, there are tattoos to stick on the nails, available in all shapes and sizes. Hearts, flowers, butterflies… Everything is possible. You can also experiment with nail-art materials yourself, using nail brushes and patterns.
We hope you enjoy this article! In addition to these, I advise you to invest in a complete manicure kit! To help you in your choice, I invite you to visit our website.
Read also: Natural care for nails and hands